Configuration of the camera
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Configuration ROM
The information in the configuration ROM is needed to identify the node,
its capabilities and which drivers are required.
The base address for the configuration ROM for all registers is
FFFF F0000000h.
The configuration ROM is divided into
• Bus info block: providing critical information about bus-related capabil-
• Root directory: specifying the rest of the content and organization,
such as:
– Node unique ID leaf
– Unit directory
–Unit dependant info
The base address of the camera control register is calculated as follows based
on the camera-specific base address:
The entry with key 8D in the root directory (420h in this case) provides the
offset for the Node unique ID leaf.
To compute the effective start address of the node unique ID leaf:
If you want to use the DirectControl program to read or write
to a register, enter the following value in the Address field:
F0F00000h + Offset
Bus info block
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
31 33 39 34 …. ASCII for 1394
408h 20 00 A0 00 …. Bus capabilities
00 0A 47 01 …. Node_Vendor_Id, Chip_id_hi
00 00 Serial number …. Chip_id_lo
Root directory
414h 00 04 B7 85 According to IEEE1212, the root directory
may have another length. The keys (e.g.
8D) point to the offset factors rather than
the offset (e.g.420h) itself.
418h 03 00 0A 47
41Ch 0C 00 83 C0
8D 00 00 02
D1 00 00 04
Table 64: Configuration ROM