Controlling image capture
OSCAR Technical Manual V2.4.0
Shutter modes
Due to the frame readout (interlaced) modes of the sensors, two different
shutter modes exist for the maximum resolution formats accessible via the
mode register in Format_7.
The conversion from interlaced to progressive takes place in the camera's
internal memory.
Split shutter
The split shutter term results from the fact that two (Oscar F-810C: three)
fields are exposed and read out of the sensor one after the other.
Format_7 Mode_1 is to be used for this mode, suitable for stationary objects
and when no strobe light is available. Because of the time difference between
the two shutters, which is dependant on the length of the shutter, this mode
is only useful for stationary objects.
Figure 49: Split shutter
External Trigger input (after inverting optocoupler)
Shutter first
Output first field
Single shot: Time between trigger and availablity of image
Output second field
Shutter first
field second
External Trigger input
Cont. mode: Time between trigger and availablity of image
second field
Progressive output of camera