Active settings hierarchy
Several different TeleVantage features allow you to specify an active setting. For example, you
can specify a routing list in the Routing Lists folder, in a call rule, and in a personal status. This
section describes which setting is used in cases of conflict.
The hierarchy for active settings is as follows:
1. Call rule. When a call is handled by a call rule, its settings are used if specified.
2. Active Settings dialog box/Personal status. Settings that are not specified by a call
rule use the current setting in your Active Settings dialog box. These are set by your
current personal status, but you can also set them manually by choosing
Tools >
Active Settings
Important: The exception to this rule concerns greetings, which take their highest priority from
the routing list followed. If a routing list specifies a greeting that is not the active greeting, that
greeting is always the one played for calls using that routing list.
Personal status defaults ___________________________________
When you select a personal status with a greeting or routing list preference, it makes that
greeting or routing list active. When you are done using that personal status, you might want
your active greeting and routing list to revert to what they were before. Personal status defaults
are a way of accomplishing this. Personal status defaults specify the greeting and the routing list
that become active when you select a personal status that has no greeting or routing list
Only one greeting and one routing list can be your personal status defaults at a time. When you
select a personal status with no greeting preference, the personal status default greeting becomes
active. When you select a personal status with no routing list preference, the personal status
default preference becomes active.
Example: You set your “Everyday” greeting to be your personal status default, because this is
the greeting you normally use. Several times during the day you change your active greeting by
selecting the personal status In a Meeting, which applies your custom “Be Back Soon” greeting.
When you return from the meeting and select the personal status Available (or any other
personal status) your personal status defaults are restored, so your “Everyday” greeting becomes
active again.
You can change the greeting and the routing list that are your personal status defaults at any
time. See “Setting personal status defaults” on page 9-13.