Important: If your system is configured to use only H.323-based Voip, the eyeBeam SIP
softPhone will not work. Use the TeleVantage H.323 SoftPhone instead. See
Appendix F, “Using
the TeleVantage H.323 SoftPhone.” Note that the eyeBeam SIP softphone provides higher audio
Note: TeleVantage supports multiple line appearances with the eyeBeam SIP softphone.
Contact your system administrator for more information.
Recommended USB phones
While many headsets work with the eyeBeam softphone, the following headsets are
Plantronics (www.plantronics.com)
Q The CS50-USB VoIP Headset (cordless)
Q The DSP-500 USB Folding Headset (corded)
Q The DSP-400 USB Multimedia Headset (corded)
GN Netcom (http://www.gnnetcom.com)
Q The GN 8120 USB digital USB-to-headset adapter (corded; compatible with any GN
Netcom QD Headset)
Before installing the eyeBeam softphone_____________________
Before installing an eyeBeam SIP softphone on your computer, talk to your system
administrator and make sure you know the following:
Q The IP address or name of the TeleVantage SIP span.
Q The preferred codec(s), in order, of the TeleVantage SIP span, for example, G.711.
Q The authentication username and password required, if any.
Q Whether or not you have an external station. See the next section.
If you have an external station
If you have an external station, you must configure it for a SIP phone before you can use the
eyeBeam softphone. See “Configuring a SIP phone” on page 6-14 for instructions.
If you don’t have an external station
If you don’t have an external station, choose Tools > Options, click the Phone tab, and check
Imitate a station when routing my incoming calls to external numbers.