To create a new contact, click to open a new Contact dialog box. To edit the
currently selected contact, press ALT and click . See “Entering a new contact”
on page 16-4 for more information.
Q Click Extensions and select an extension in the list. The list is identical to other
Extensions lists in ViewPoint (see “Viewing TeleVantage extensions” on
page 10-2).
If the extension is a user with public numbers, you can choose one of those numbers
from the dropdown list below the main list.
Q Click Workgroups and select a workgroup in the list.
When you call a workgroup, all users’ phones within that workgroup ring
simultaneously. The first member of the workgroup to pick up the phone connects
to the call. Contacts in the workgroup are ignored.
Q Click My Numbers. To place a call to one of your own phone numbers, such as your
home or mobile phone, select it on the list. To place a call to another number, enter
the number in the
Number field.
For instructions on entering numbers in your My Numbers list, see the next section,
“Entering My Numbers.” .
Note: To verify that the phone number is entered in a correct format, click .
3. To enter an account code for the call, type a vertical bar character (|) after the number,
followed by the account code.
4. If you are placing a call to an external number, make sure that the appropriate dialing
service is selected on the
Call Using dropdown list (see the section “Using dialing
services” on page 12-8).
5. Click OK to place the call.
Another way to place a call to a user is to double-click the user in the Extensions list.
Entering My Numbers
You can store your own phone numbers in your TeleVantage account, such as your home
number or your mobile phone number. When placing, forwarding, or transferring a call, you can
My Numbers and select one of your numbers.
To enter a number or address in the My Numbers list
1. Choose Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.
2. Click the Personal \ My Numbers tab.
3. Click the type of number you want to enter or modify, for example Home or Mobile,
then click
To delete a number, click it, then click Clear.