When statistics are reset
Statistics are reset to zero at the following times:
Note: When a call overlaps a reset time, some statistics for it will appear in the first grouping,
some in the second, depending on when the statistic is counted. For example, Calls Answered is
counted as soon as the call is answered, while Calls Completed is counted when the call ends.
Therefore, if a call lasts from 11:58 PM to 12:20 AM, it would be counted as a Call Answered in
Day 1, and a Call Completed in Day 2.
When statistics are refreshed
By default the Queue Monitor folder refreshes with new statistics as soon as they become
available, providing a real-time picture of queue activity. You can enter a slower refresh rate to
improve the responsiveness of agents’ ViewPoint applications. You should change this setting
if you find that agents’ ViewPoint applications are responding too slowly.
To change the Queue Monitor refresh rate
1. In the TeleVantage Administrator, choose Tools > System Settings. The System
Settings dialog box opens.
2. Choose the Queue tab.
3. Enter the refresh rate you want (in milliseconds) in Queue statistics refresh interval.
4. Click OK.
Statistic type When reset
Statistics by day At midnight, or when the Server is restarted.
Statistics by period On 15, 30, or 60 minute intervals, depending
on your configuration for
Statistics period
interval. The intervals are counted from
midnight, so a 15-minute interval would reset
at 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, etc.
All queues that share the same statistics
period interval reset at the same clock time.
Note: Period statistics are always reset
counting from midnight, not from the time of a
Server restart. This could result in a short
period. For example, if the Server was started
at 9:50, the period would still end at 10:00,
resulting in a 10-minute period.
Statistics by shift At the end of the shift, as you defined it (see
the TeleVantage Call Center Administrator’s