Customizing the ViewPoint display __________________________
You can customize your ViewPoint display in any of the following ways.
Showing or hiding ViewPoint window elements
You can show or hide ViewPoint’s Navigation pane, status bar, toolbars, and other window
elements by checking or unchecking their entries on the
View menu.
Defining double-click behavior in the Contacts folder
Double-clicking a contact lets you either edit the information for the contact or place a call to
the contact.
To define the result of double-clicking a contact
1. Choose Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.
2. Click the ViewPoint tab.
3. Under Double clicking contacts behavior, select the desired behavior.
4. Click OK.
Customizing columns
You can choose to show or hide columns in a folder. You can also customize columns in a folder
by moving, resizing, and sorting them. The changes you make to columns in a folder are saved
when you exit ViewPoint.
Showing and hiding columns
For each folder in ViewPoint, you can choose the columns that you want to see in the folder.
Some folders do not show all the available columns by default.