To sort the Call Monitor automatically
1. Choose Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.
2. Choose the ViewPoint \ Call Monitor tab.
3. Check Actively sorted.
4. Click OK.
Note: Actively sorting the Call Monitor can make Call Monitor performance slower. You can
always manually sort the Call Monitor by clicking a column header.
Call Monitor folder tabs
For most people, the Call Monitor folder contains one tab, called My Phone. However, the Call
Monitor can display other tabs that group related calls. Click each tab to view the related call
activity at your phone.
Q My Phone tab. This tab always appears in your Call Monitor folder and displays all calls
to or from your telephone. This includes calls that are forwarded to your extension (in
this case, the called party who forwarded the call is identified in the Owner column), and
calls to your DID number if you have one.
Q All tab. The All tab appears if any other tabs in addition to the My Phone tab appear in
your Call Monitor. The All tab allows you to see all calls for all tabs in one place.
Q Parked tab. The Parked tab shows all current parked calls.
Q Queue tab. If you are an agent in a call center queue, all the current calls for the queue
appear on a separate tab labeled with the queue name. An asterisk (*) on the queue tab
indicates that you are signed out for that queue. For details about participating in a
queue, see
Appendix B.
Q <call owner> tab. Calls for users who have shared their Call Monitor folders with you
appear on separate tabs labeled with the call owner’s name. For more information, see
“Sharing your Call Monitor folder” on page 11-19.
Q Workgroup tab. If you belong to a workgroup, all current calls for the workgroup
appear on a separate tab labeled with the workgroup’s name. For more information about
workgroups, see
“Using workgroups” on page 16-14.