agents (cont’d.)
personal statuses for, 9-4
placing on and off call, C-18
signing in and out, B-2
states, defined, C-5
taking breaks, B-2
using Extensions list tabs, 10-3
viewing them being monitored, C-17
working as in ACD workgroups, D-2
working at another phone, B-4
Agents Pane, C-4
All tab
display options for, 11-4
in Call Monitor, 11-3
in Extensions list, 10-3
answering calls
at another ringing phone, 4-4
opening Call Monitor automatically, 11-5
using ViewPoint, 11-7
with call announcing, 4-2
with call waiting, 4-3
with hands-free answering, 4-4
archive database, checking for missing audio files, E-11
Archived Recording Browser
about, E-1
acting on recordings, E-9
adding notes to recordings, E-10
browsing search results, E-10
changing number of entries per page, E-10
checking archive for missing audio files, E-11
deleting recordings, E-11
exporting recordings, E-11
flagging recordings for follow-up, E-10
importing recordings archived in earlier
, E-12
loading saved search, E-8
logging on, E-1
managing recordings, E-8
opening Call Log details for recordings, E-10
playing recordings, E-10
purging recordings, E-11
Archived Recording Browser (cont’d.)
refreshing search results, E-11
restoring recordings to Servers, E-11
running, E-1
saving current search, E-8
searching for recordings, E-2
sorting search results, E-9
specifying search criteria, E-4
archived recordings
managing individual recordings, E-8
purging, E-11
searching for, E-2
archived voice mail, 13-3
from a Call Log entry, 14-8
from a voice message, 13-7
from an active call, 11-14
audio controls, using, 8-26
audio messages, playing into calls, 11-13
audio output, changing, 8-12
Available personal status, 9-3
double, for contact account code prompt, 3-3
with call waiting, 18-8
blind transfers
defined, 4-8
using the phone, 4-8
using ViewPoint, 11-11
bookmarks for voice mail, 8-26
bottom line of ViewPoint screen. See status bar
breaks, taking in ACD workgroups, D-4
busy, handling calls when, 15-14
call announcing
overview, 4-2
answering calls with, 4-2