To change the All tab display format
1. Choose Tools > Options. The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click the ViewPoint \ Call Monitor tab.
3. Check or uncheck Grouped by owner on All tab.
4. Click OK.
Call Monitor folder panes
The Call Monitor folder contains the following two panes that you can hide or show:
Q The Phonebook Pane, which shows the Extensions folder and the Contacts folder and
enables drag-and-drop call handling. See
“Adding the Phonebook Pane to the Call
Monitor folder” on page 8-15 and “Dragging and dropping items” on page 8-19.
Q The History Pane, which shows the history of the call from the moment it entered the
TeleVantage system, including where it might have been before being routed to you. See
“Viewing a call’s history” on page 11-17.
Q The Notes Pane, which enables you to type and save call notes. See “Adding notes to a
call” on page 11-17.
Call Monitor folder columns
The Call Monitor folder contains several columns that show detailed information about a call,
such as Trunk Name and Target Station. Some of the columns are hidden by default. For an
explanation of the columns, press
F1 in the Call Monitor folder for its online Help. For
instructions on hiding and showing columns, see “Customizing columns” on page 18-22.
Viewing a custom data column in the Call Monitor
If your TeleVantage system is configured to display custom data in the Call Monitor, the custom
data appears in one or more columns. You can view the available columns in the Show Columns
dialog box. You can hide and show custom data columns the same way you can hide and show
normal columns (see “Customizing columns” on page 18-22). Contact your TeleVantage
system administrator to see if any custom data columns are available in your Call Monitor
Displaying the Call Monitor folder automatically _______________
TeleVantage can open the Call Monitor folder automatically in the following situations:
Q When you receive an incoming call
Q When you place or return calls from other ViewPoint folders
When the Call Monitor folder opens automatically, it appears in front of all other open windows
on your computer.