Q Speed Dial. Click the button in the Parameter column to open the Speed Dial
dialog box. Select or enter the number to dial and click
OK. For instructions on
using the Numbers and Extensions tab, see
“Using the Place Call To dialog box” on
page 12-3. To enter a custom dial string—for example, a TeleVantage telephone
command beginning with * or #— click the Direct Dial tab and enter the dial string
in the
Direct dial field.
5. Click OK.
TeleVantage features you can map to digital phone buttons
Several TeleVantage commands are available to be mapped to a digital feature phone’s
programmable buttons. You can then press the button to activate the command. For instructions
on mapping a TeleVantage feature to a phone button, including special instructions for certain
features, see the previous section.
The following TeleVantage features are available:
Feature Description
Access Voice Mail Connects you to your voicemail account or that of
another user. Prompts for password.
Account Code Lets you enter an account code for the call using
your telephone keypad.
Call Forwarding Forwards your calls to a fixed destination
configured for that button. Pressing the button
also configures the call forwarding number.
Call Menu Connects you to the telephone commands’ call
handling menu. See “Call handling commands”
on page A-2.
Cnf/Trn Conferences or transfers the call.
Do Not Disturb Selects the Do Not Disturb personal status,
sending all calls directly to voicemail.
Pressing it
again makes you Available.
See Chapter 9.
Flash Performs a Flash command, required for many
TeleVantage telephone commands.
Hold Puts the caller on TeleVantage hold.
Park/Unpark Parks the call so it can be retrieved from any
phone, or unparks a parked call.
Phone Page Performs the *15 command to place a page or
intercom call.
Record Call Begins recording the call.
Pressing it again stops
recording the call.