Ending your shift
Note: Use this procedure at the end of your shift only. To take a break during your shift, use the
On Break personal status to ensure the integrity of call center statistics. See the next section,
“Taking a break.”
To stop receiving queue calls, make yourself unavailable by doing either of the following:
Q Using your telephone keypad, press *52 at a dial tone. This selects the personal status
Available (Non-Queue).
Q In ViewPoint, select any personal status whose Queue calls preference is set to No,
other than On Break. For example, select the Personal status Available (Non-Queue) to
receive personal calls without receiving queue calls.
Important: If you have marked your outbound calls as being from the queue, you must switch
back to calling as yourself. Otherwise your outbound calls will continue to be marked as coming
from the queue (and may be monitored), even though you have ended your shift. See “Placing
calls from a queue” on page B-8.
Taking a break
To take a break from answering queue calls during your shift, do one of the following:
Q Pick up the phone and press *53.
Q In ViewPoint, select the personal status On Break.
Note: If you leave your phone without selecting On Break, queue calls might be sent to your
phone, and callers will hear an interval of ringing before they are placed back on the queue.
When you finish your break and are ready to receive calls again, make yourself ready again.
*51 on your phone or select the personal status Available or Available (Queue Only).
What call center agents need to know to get the job done _______
If you are working as a call center agent, you should be aware of the following:
Q While you are ready, always take queue calls that are sent to you. If a queue call
rings your phone and you do not answer, the caller will hear ringing and then be placed
back on the queue. Also, if you do not pick up a ringing queue call, or decline it using
the call announcing options, the queue might automatically place you in the On Break
personal status.
Q Use the On Break personal status only to leave your phone during your shift.
Making yourself unavailable by using other statuses, such as Available (Non-Queue) or
Do Not Disturb, signals TeleVantage that you are ending your shift (these statistics are
reset daily).
Q Your personal status can be changed by others. If you do not answer queue calls that
ring your phone, the queue can automatically place you in the On Break personal status.
Also, a supervisor can change your personal status at any time.