Monitoring queue statistics using the phone
Agents who have permission to monitor queue statistics can hear the current statistics for a
queue at any time by picking up a TeleVantage phone and dialing
*55. The system prompts them
to select the queue for which they want to hear statistics.
*55 plays the queue statistics shown in the following table. Statistic totals are kept since
midnight at the beginning of the current day.
Supervising other agents’ calls _____________________________
Agents can use the Supervise commands—Monitor, Coach, and Join—to supervise other
agents’ calls. For an explanation of Monitor, Coach, and Join, see “Supervising other users’
calls” on page 12-14.
Supervising in a call center is a separate feature from supervising personal calls, and the two are
controlled by different permissions, as follows:
Q Supervising personal calls. Supervising personal calls requires TeleVantage user
permissions set up by your system administrator. Users with only these permissions
cannot supervise call center calls.
Q Supervising call center calls. To supervise call center calls, you must be a call center
agent with agent permissions set up per queue by your queue administrator. As a call
center supervisor, you can supervise only other agents in your queue, and only their
queue calls, not their personal calls.
Note: For you to supervise an agent’s outbound calls, the agent must have associated his or her
outbound calls with the queue. See “Placing calls from a queue” on page B-8.
*55 Queue Statistics
Callers waiting Number of callers waiting on the queue.
Expected wait time Rough estimate of how long callers can
expect to wait if they called right now. The
formula used is <total wait time of all
answered calls so far this day> / <number of
answered calls so far this day>.
Active agents Number of agents currently available. This
includes all agents who are signed in and in
the personal status Available or Available
(Queue Only).
Total calls Total number of calls received today (since
the last midnight).
Abandon rate Abandoned calls as a percentage of total