To play a call you just recorded
1. Go to your Voicemail \ Inbox folder, or open another mailbox if your system is set up
2. Select the recording.
3. Choose Actions > Play.
Note: You can also play call recordings from the Call Log. See “Listening to a recorded call from
the Call Log” on page 14-9.
Using the telephone commands
You can start and stop recording your calls using the *16 telephone command. See “Recording
a call” on page 4-9. You can also use the telephone commands to listen to recordings in your
Inbox. See “Listening to and managing your voicemail” on page 5-4.
It is the responsibility of you and your administrator to comply with any federal or other
applicable statutes regarding the recording of phone calls. Vertical, Inc. disclaims any
responsibility for failing to comply with such regulations.
Playing recorded audio into a call
You can play greetings or voice messages into a call. Both parties hear the audio recording. You
can use this feature to store and play pre-recorded information such as long “Hello” greetings
when you answer the phone, or later in the call for such things as driving directions. You can
also play your voice messages to a caller to discuss the contents of a message while on the
While the audio is playing, you and the other parties in the call can talk and be heard, although
you will be talking over the audio.
Q You can play audio into any calls you control, for example, calls you put on hold or parked.
When you leave a call, any recorded audio you started playing stops.
Q While audio is playing, some transfer commands are disabled, for example, transferring
the call directly to voicemail. This is because TeleVantage creates a conference call
behind the scenes when playing audio, and there are restrictions on handling conference
calls (see
“Transferring a conference call” on page 12-14). A “(Playing)” indicator appears
in the Call Monitor as a reminder.