Managing contacts________________________________________
You can manage your contacts using TeleVantage ViewPoint, or you can use another contact
manager application or customer relationship management program with TeleVantage if you
prefer. You can also import contacts from other contact managers into TeleVantage. See
“Importing contacts from other contact managers into TeleVantage” on page 16-13.
Entering a new contact
Entering a new contact involves the following tasks, which are explained in detail in the three
procedures that follow:
Q Entering a contact's name and basic information. Other basic information includes
the contact’s company, any account code, and the language used for prompts for this
contact. You can also enter up to 5,000 characters in the Notes Pane of the Contact dialog
Q Entering a contact's phone numbers and addresses. When you enter a contact’s
phone numbers, you can specify the number used for Caller ID and the number that is
the default number to dial when you call the contact. You can also specify a contact's
e-mail and instant messaging addresses for reference.
Q Recording a voice title for a contact. Like your own voice title, a contact’s voice title
is a short recording that you create of the contact's name. If you are using call
announcing, TeleVantage announces calls from the contact by saying “Call from,”
followed by the contact’s voice title. Contacts who do not have voice titles recorded are
prompted to say their names each time they call you, unless you have turned off that
prompt (see
“Customizing or turning off call announcing” on page 18-6).
Note: You have a limited amount of space for all voice files, including voice titles.
Therefore, if you have many contacts, you can save space by recording voice titles for the
most important ones only. Ask your TeleVantage system administrator how much space
you have been allocated and how much you have used.