Equals, Does
not equal
Use to search based on the exact contents of a
field. For example, to search for recordings of
calls from Kevin McDonough, add the criteria
“From Equals Kevin McDonough”.
Note that when you use
Equals and Does not
, you cannot search based on part of the
field’s contents—the criteria “From Equals
Irene” would not return any matches.
Equals is the only valid condition for some
fields (Flagged for follow-up, Message Heard,
Call Direction, Call Result, Left Message, and
Recorded By.) For these fields, select one of
the values offered in the drop-down list, for
example, “Call Result Equals Left Message”.
Greater than,
Less than
Use to search based on the numeric contents
of a field. For example, to search for recordings
of calls that were on hold for more than 10
minutes, add the criteria “Hold Time Greater
than 10”.
Use to search based on a range of values for a
field. For example, to search for recordings of
calls that lasted more than 10 but less than 20
minutes, add the criteria “Call Duration
Between 10 and 20”.
Use to search for recordings based on two or
more values for a field. For example, to search
for recordings of calls from several callers, add
a criteria like “From Or Nancy Jones OR Pete
Smith OR Irene Orleans”.
Tab Field Description