About participating in an ACD workgroup_____________________
This appendix describes how agents participate in an ACD workgroup.
Important: This section covers instructions for working in an ACD workgroup only. For
instructions on working in a call center queue, see
Appendix B.
For complete instructions on setting up and managing a TeleVantage call center, including an
ACD workgroup, see the TeleVantage Call Center Administrator’s Guide.
Use of the TeleVantage ViewPoint
Agents in an ACD workgroup must use the TeleVantage ViewPoint. Without ViewPoint, there
is no way for agents to control whether or not they receive calls from the ACD workgroup.
Agents require ViewPoint to begin and end their workday and to take breaks during it, as
described in the next section.
Marking yourself ready and unavailable ______________________
To mark yourself as ready to receive ACD workgroup calls:
1. Log on to ViewPoint using your own name and password.
2. Choose Tools > Options.
3. Click the Personal tab.
4. Check Accept ACD Workgroup calls.
5. Click OK.
To mark yourself as unavailable, which stops ACD workgroup calls from being sent to you,
Accept ACD Workgroup calls.
Note: If your ACD workgroup uses the simultaneous ring method, you cannot make yourself
available while a call is ringing and answer it. Because you were not available when the call
started ringing, your phone will not be rung for that call.