You cannot edit the Standard routing list. To have calls follow a different route, you must create
a new routing list and make it the active routing list.
The active routing list
The active routing list is the routing list that all incoming calls follow. Calls can follow another
routing list if you have created call rules for them (see Chapter 17). Only one routing list at a
time can be the active routing list. The active routing list is marked by bold text and .
You cannot delete the active routing list.
To make a routing list the active routing list
1. Right-click the routing list that you want to make the active routing list.
2. Choose Actions > Set as Default and Active.
This command also makes the routing list the personal status default routing list (see the next
section). To make a routing list active without making it the personal status default routing list,
edit the routing list and check
Active routing list for this extension.
Note: Your active routing list may be changed if you apply a personal status with a different
routing list preference or change your active settings directly. For more information about
personal status and active settings, see
Chapter 9.
The personal status default routing list
The personal status default routing list is the one that is used whenever you select a personal
status whose Routing List preference is set to
Default. For more information, see “Personal
status defaults” on page 9-12.
The personal status default routing list is marked by . To make a routing list the personal
status default, select the routing list and choose
Actions > Set as Default and Active. This
command also makes the routing list the active routing list. To make a routing list the personal
status default routing list without making it active, edit the routing list and check
personal status routing list