198 Chapter 7 Real-time Monitors
Figure 7-11 Queue by Period
Queue by Period column heading definitions
Table 7-6 describes the Queue by Period column headings.
Table 7-6 Queue by Period column headings
Term Meaning
Offered the total number of calls offered to the queue during the 15-minute interval
Handled the total number of calls answered by agents during the 15-minute interval
Short Abandoned during the 15-minute interval, the total number of calls abandoned before the short
abandon time configured in YourSite
Abandoned the total number of calls abandoned during the 15-minute interval before being
answered by agents
Interflowed the total number of calls interflowed during the 15-minute interval
Requeued the total number of calls re-queued during the 15-minute interval
% Handled by 1-4 a count of all of the calls answered by the first, second, third, and fourth answer
points during the 15-minute interval
#Handled by 1-4 the number of calls answered by the first, second, third, and fourth answer points
during the 15-minute interval
Total Talk Time the total time agents spent talking to callers during the 15-minute interval
Average Talk Time the average time agents spent talking to callers during the 15-minute interval
Average Time to
the average number of minutes callers waited before agents answered their calls
during the 15-minute interval
Average Time to
the average number of minutes callers waited during the 15-minute interval before
they abandoned their calls
Average Time to
the average number of minutes callers waited during the 15-minute interval before
being interflowed
Service Level %
during the 15-minute interval, the percentage of calls answered within the Service
Level Time specified for the queue
% Handled during the 15-minute interval, the percentage of calls answered compared to the
total number of calls offered to the ACD queue for the day
Wrap Up the total time the agent spent in the Work Timer state during the 15-minute interval