310 Chapter 10 Data-mining Tools
Running call types searches
You run a Call types search when you want to narrow down the Call parties search. Previously, you have
completed a Call parties search for agent 2005 (Call parties tab). Now you want to narrow the search to
include only Answer non-ACD call types.
To run a Call types search
1. Click the SMDR Inspector criteria tab.
The Options tab opens.
2. Click the Call parties tab.
3. Click Select dates and select March 10, 2003.
4. Under Select media servers, Phone is preselected.
5. Under Call parties, type the Called party, agent ID 2005.
6. Click the Call types tab.
7. Under Call types, clear the check boxes for all of the criteria but Answer non-ACD.
8. Click Start search.
The SMDR Inspector results - SMDR Search results window opens.
Call types search results
The SMDR search results tab displays the call parties/call type results. All of the non-ACD calls received by
agent 2005 on March 10, 2004 are displayed. They included external and internal calls where the caller dialed
the agent’s extension (1106), and all of the dial zero calls. (ACD calls are calls that are sent through the
queue.) (See Figure 10-13.)
Figure 10-13 SMDR search results - Call types search