236 Chapter 7 Real-time Monitors
Creating sign groups
NOTE: You must create at least one sign group in order to register wall sign addresses. You can include all of
the wall signs under one sign group, or create additional sign groups. Keep in mind that all of the signs in the
same sign group, display the same messages.
Sign addresses distinguish wall signs for messaging purposes. Each wall sign has a unique address. You set
the internal sign addresses using the keypad provided with the master sign, and register the sign addresses in
WallBoarder on the Sign tab.
Each sign group has one or more signs. For example, you can specify that Sign group 1 provide real-time
displays for Wall sign 1, Sign group 2 provide real-time displays for Wall signs 2 to 4, and so on. You associate
each sign group with a sign plan. Using sign groups and sign plans, you can display the same message on
one or more wall signs, or display unique messages on all of the wall signs.
Sign groups dictate which messages are displayed by particular wall signs.
To add a sign group and specify sign group information
1. Click Real time=>WallBoarder.
2. Click the name of your site.
The Edit WallBoarder Service for tab appears.
3. Click Add=>Sign group.
The Add sign group tab appears.
See Figure 7-26.
4. After Name, type the sign group name.
5. After Site, select the contact center site where WallBoarder resides.
6. Click the Advanced tab.
7. After Reinitialize all wall signs every, select a time interval for restarting all of the wall signs in the
sign group.
8. After Refresh all sign messages every, select a time interval for resending all of the messages to all
of the wall signs in the sign group.
If you see question marks [???] instead of statistics on a wall sign, this means the Enterprise Service
does not have a value for the variable. The Enterprise Server does not have a value for the variable
because it is in the process of loading the variable, or the telephone system has not sent any real-
time information yet.
9. After Refresh all ACD sign variables every, select a time interval for updating all of the variables on
all of the wall signs in the sign group.
10. After Minimum pause time between wall sign updates is, select a time interval for pausing
between wall sign updates.
11. After Minimum display time for a message is, select a time interval for displaying wall sign
12. After Minimum pause time after beep is sent in, select a time interval for pausing after a beep is
13. If you want to reinitialize all of the wall signs, click Reinitialize all wall signs in this sign group.
14. To apply the preceding options to all of the sign groups, click Apply to all sign groups at this site.
15. Click Save.
Figure 7-26 Add sign group tab