Maintaining Intelligent Queue and Contact Center Management 479
Converting .wav files
If you created your voice recordings on an external source, you must convert your .wav files to the format
Intelligent Queue requires.
To convert .wav files to the correct format
1. Click Start=>Programs=>Accessories=>Entertainment=>Sound Recorder.
The Sound Recorder window opens.
2. Click File=>Open and select the file you want to convert.
3. Click Open.
4. Click File=>Save As.
The Save As window opens.
5. Click Change.
The Sound Selection window opens.
6. After Format, select CCITT u-Law.
7. After Attributes, select 8.000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono 7 kb/sec.
8. Click OK.
9. If you do not want to overwrite the original file, change the file name.
10. After Save as type, verify that Sounds (*.wav) is selected.
11. Click Save.
Readback .wav file names
Dollars, cents, euros, pence, pounds, negative numbers, and decimal numbers, although supported in all
languages, are provided in US English and UK English only. You must record your own .wav files if you want
them in additional languages. The files are located in the following directory: \\Voice\language\System\. There
are ten language folders: US English, UK English, NA French, EU French, EU Spanish, LA Spanish, Dutch,
Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Mandarin Chinese, and Italian. See “Recording voice prompts” on page 478.
(See Table 17-10).
Table 17-10: Smart Choice Port Group Performance by Port
.wav files Example
Dollars.wav (plural) For example “two dollars.”
Dollars-singular.wav For example “one dollar.”
Cents.wav (plural) For example “two cents.”
Cents-singular.wav For example “one euro.”
Euros.wav (plural) For example “two euros.”
Euros-singular.wav For example “one euro.”
Negative.wav For example “negative three.”
Pence.wav (plural) For example “two pence.” (When you record the .wav file, you
must save it as Pence.wav and Pence-singular. wav to be used in
both the singular and plural instance.)
Pence-singular.wav For example, one pence. (When you record the .wav file, you must
save it to be used in both the singular and plural instance.)
Point.wav For example “point 45."
Pounds.wav (plural) For example “two pounds.”
Pounds-singular.wav For example “one pound.”