Schedule setup and customization 525
Table 18-1 Warnings
Warning Description
Scheduling work on company
notifies you when events are scheduled on company holidays
Scheduling work outside business
notifies you when you try to schedule events outside of your
contact center’s business hours
When scheduling outside a person’s
notifies you when you try to schedule employees who are not
available at the specified time
Violates length of service
notifies you when an employee has worked fewer or more months
required to qualify for a specific type of time off
Exceeds accrued hours notifies you when an employee is scheduled for more time off
hours than is available to that employee at that time
Exceeds maximum scheduling limit notifies you when an employee is scheduled for more time off
hours than specified for that type of time off
Less than minimum scheduling limit notifies you when an employee is scheduled for fewer time off
hours than specified for that type of time off
Employee does not have required
notifies you when an employee does not have the required skills
for the job for which they are scheduled
Exceeds daily maximum work hours notifies you when an employee is scheduled for more hours in a
day than defined by the parameter for that shift
Below daily minimum work hours notifies you when an employee is scheduled for fewer hours in a
day than defined by the parameter for that shift
Exceeds weekly maximum work
notifies you when an employee is scheduled for more hours in a
week than defined by the parameter for that shift
Below weekly minimum work hours notifies you when an employee is scheduled for fewer hours in a
week than defined by the parameter for that shift
Exceeds maximum hours notifies when an employee is scheduled for a shift more hours in a
day than defined by the parameter for that shift
Below minimum hours notifies you when an employee is scheduled for a shift fewer hours
in a day than defined by the parameter for that shift
Start time outside of specified range notifies you when an employee’s shift is scheduled to start before
(minimum) or after (maximum) the parameters defined for that shift
Is within minimum time between
notifies you when an employee is scheduled to start another shift
too soon following the one previously completed
Below hours worked to qualify notifies you when an employee is scheduled for a break before
working enough hours after the last break in that shift to qualify for
another break
Starting before earliest start time notifies you when an employee is scheduled for the first break in a
shift before a break can be taken