Enterprise Node configuration 577
Contact center 2 - Boston (Enterprise Node) with one media server (3300 ICP)
The second media server resides at site 2 in Boston. The media server in Boston is a 3300 ICP. You do not
require a dedicated server because you have a 3300 ICP media server. However, you must install an remote
note at the remote site if the media severs communicate over RS-232, and not TCP/IP. The media servers like
the 3300 ICP, which communicate over TCP/IP, have the unique ability to send data over TCP/IP without the
use of a dedicated server. However, to prevent data loss from the Boston site should the WAN go down, you
decide to install a dedicated server in Boston. The Enterprise Node software is deployed on the dedicated
server. Therefore, all of the Boston raw data is stored on the dedicated server in Boston. If the WAN goes
down, data is still collected locally in Boston and no data is lost. All of the raw and summarized data is stored
at the site with the Enterprise Server (Miami) by the prairieFyre Collector Service.
Continuing to set up your enterprise, you add the second site (Boston) and then add the Boston media server
(3300 ICP). The Boston media server has the IP address and IP port 5401. You must have the
Enterprise Node license to add the remote site to your enterprise.
Figure 21-2 Enterprise Node scenario 1 connectivity
Scenario 2 - No dedicated server at the remote site
CAUTION: If you do not have a dedicated server at the remote site, data at the remote site is permanently lost
if the WAN goes down.
In this example, the enterprise consists of the following. (See Figure 21-3.)
Contact center 1 - Miami (prairieFyre Collector Service) with one media server (SX-2000 ACD)
The Enterprise Server resides at site 1 in Miami. The prairieFyre Collector Service collects data from all of the
media servers at that site. There is one media server at the Miami site (SX-2000 ACD). No Enterprise Node is
required at this site. When you set up the enterprise, you add the first site (Miami) and then add the first media
server (SX-2000 ACD). The first media server has the IP address and IP port 5400.