214 Chapter 7 Real-time Monitors
Grouping data
You can group rows of data in the Queue Now monitor, and other monitors that contain columns. For example,
you can group the data by the ACD count statistic and readily see which agents handled the most calls, and
which agents handled the least calls, as illustrated in Figure 7-20.
Figure 7-20 Enable grouping
The Enable grouping option displays a grouping panel to which users drag columns. The grouping order
determines the order in which the rows appear.
To enable grouping
1. Right-click an open monitor and click Properties.
2. Select the Enable grouping check box.
3. Click OK.
The monitor displays a grouping panel.
4. Drag a column heading to the panel to group by the column heading.
Building marquee monitors
You can build a marquee monitor to broadcast statistics and messages. To do so, you must
• Specify styles for the marquee monitor.
• Configure marquee text and variables.
Configuring marquee monitor styles
To specify attributes for the marquee background
1. Click the Marquee icon.
The Configure marquee window appears.
2. Click Add message.
The Add message window appears.
3. Type a name for the message.
4. Under Position, select Top, Right, Left, Center, or Bottom to specify how the message is to be
displayed on the marquee.