526 Chapter 18 Workforce Scheduling
Schedule creation
You can create and customize schedules in Workforce Scheduling using specific parameters that suit the
needs of your contact center. You can build schedules manually or with the Schedule Builder tool. Schedule
Builder automates the schedule building process. It uses pre-defined employee and schedule options to
create schedules. See “Schedule setup and customization” on page 513.
Schedule Builder helps you build a schedule with or without forecast data. However, you must use the
Schedule Builder if you want to build a schedule with forecast data. See “Forecasting tool” on page 276.
You can also use manual scheduling to modify schedules you build with Schedule Builder. See “Creating and
adjusting schedules manually” on page 529.
NOTE: After you generate a schedule with Schedule Builder, you must accept or reject schedule changes
before you can generate another schedule.
Schedule Builder uses the following parameters to create a schedule automatically:
• Date/time range
• Shifts
• Breaks
• Forecast data
• Business hours
• Employees
• Employee scheduling preferences
• Scheduling options
• Shift options
• Schedule algorithm options
Building schedules with Schedule Builder
NOTE: After you generate a schedule with Schedule Builder, you must accept or reject schedule changes
before you can generate another schedule.
To build a schedule with Schedule Builder
1. Click the Tools tab
2. In the Schedule Builder group, click Manual.
3. Under Schedule name, select a schedule.
4. Specify the scheduling parameters on each tab of the Schedule Builder tool.
5. Click Build.
A dialog box appears reminding you that changes to the schedule will not be committed to the
database until you click Accept Schedule.
End after latest end time notifies you when an employee is scheduled for the last break in a
shift after a break can be taken
Removing an employee from a
notifies you when you attempt to delete an employee from the
Accepting a generated scheduler notifies you when you attempt to save a schedule you have built
Scheduled shift will cause overtime notifies you when a shift qualifies an employee for overtime
Table 18-1 Warnings
Warning Description