568 Chapter 20 Multimedia Contact Center
Replying to emails/SMS messages
To reply to an email/SMS message
1. In Outlook, double-click an email/SMS message in your Agent Inbox to open it.
2. Click Reply.
The Reply window opens.
3. Type a response and/or double-click a response template to insert the content into the body of the
email/SMS message.
4. Click Send.
Replying to chats
To reply to a chat
1. In Outlook, double-click a chat request in your Agent Inbox to open it.
2. Click Reply.
See Figure 20-6.
3. Type a response and/or double-click a response template to insert the content into the body of the
See “Creating and using Multimedia Contact Center templates” on page 567.
4. Click Send.
Figure 20-6 Chat reply
To chat with multiple people
1. In Outlook, while you have a chat open in the chat window, click a second chat to open it.
2. Click the chat tabs to switch between the chat sessions.
NOTE: You can click View longest waiting client to open the chat window of the client who has
been waiting the longest for a chat reply.