Troubleshooting real-time issues 243
You can schedule specific messages to play according to schedules.
To schedule a message
1. Click Real-time=>WallBoarder.
2. Expand the Enterprise tree and click Sign plan.
The Add sign plan tab appears.
3. Click the Scheduled messages tab.
See Figure 7-33.
4. Select a check box to activate a schedule.
5. Select the Play this message check box to activate the message.
6. After Play this message, select a message.
NOTE: When you enable a scheduled message, WallBoarder displays the message on all of the wall
signs in the sign group (associated with the sign plan) until you manually clear the Play this message
check box.
7. After according to this schedule, select a schedule.
8. Click Save.
Figure 7-33 Scheduled messages tab
Troubleshooting real-time issues
The following information pertains to Contact Center Client, Interactive Contact Center, Teleworker Solution
4.5 and V5.0.12.0, and Enterprise Presence / Chat Integration.
Configuring ACD resiliency and ACD hot desking
• You must use either ACD hot desk agents or standard ACD agents. The use of ACD hot desk agents
and standard ACD agents in the same ACD system is not supported.
• Before configuring resiliency for ACD hot desking agents, you must first configure YourSite to support
resiliency. See “Adding a Multimedia Contact Center Email media server” on page 94.
For ACD hot desking agents who work in a resilient environment, you must configure all agents as ACD hot
desking agents and enable resiliency for each resilient employee in YourSite Configuration.
To configure all agents as ACD hot desking agents
1. In Contact Center Management, click YourSite=>Enterprise.
2. Expand the Enterprise tree and select the 3300 ICP media server.
3. Under All Contact Center PhoneSet Manager and Contact Center Softphone agents associated
with this media server are, if you have hot desking agents or ACD resilient agents or ACD resilient
agents, click ACD hot desking agents.
4. Click Save.