576 Chapter 21 Contact Center Management Enterprise Node
Figure 21-1 Enterprise Node versus Enterprise Server
Enterprise Node configuration
NOTE: If the Wide Area Network (WAN) link between a remote site and the Enterprise Server goes down, the
managers and supervisors at the remote site cannot view real-time data on their site until the WAN connection
is restored. However, if the WAN link is down, data collection at the remote site continues.
You can run both the Enterprise Node software and the Enterprise Server on a single computer or on separate
Setting up Enterprise Node examples
You can set up the Enterprise Node in the following ways.
• Enterprise Node server at the remote site (recommended)
• No dedicated server at the remote site
Scenario 1 - With a dedicated server at the remote site
In this example, the enterprise consists of the following. (See Figure 21-2.)
Contact center 1 - Kanata (prairieFyre Collector Service) with one media server (SX-2000
The Enterprise Server resides at site 1 in Kanata. The prairieFyre Collector Service collects data from all of
the media servers at that site. There is one media server at the Kanata site (SX-2000 ACD). No Enterprise
Node is required at this site.
When setting up your enterprise, you add the first site (Kanata) and then add the first media server (SX-2000
ACD). The first media server has the IP address and IP port 5400.