CTI Developer Toolkit sample applications 589
• Hold call
• Retrieve call
• Transfer call
• Conference call
• Clear call
• Add call notes
• Make consultation call
• Transfer consultation call
• Cancel consultation call
Queue Monitor
The Queue Monitor sample application displays the functionality and support for queue device types included
with the CTI Developer Toolkit. The QueueMonitor application is similar to the optional Interactive Visual
Queue monitor that is housed in Contact Center Client. It enables developers to connect to the Contact
Center Solutions Enterprise Server, load a set of queues, and view real-time call activity (calls entering and
exiting queues) and queue statistics (for example, calls waiting, number of agents available, longest waiting,
etc.). (See Figure 22-2.)
Figure 22-2 Queue monitor sample application
To use the CTI Developer Toolkit Queue Monitor sample application
1. Click Start=>All Programs=>Mitel=>CTI Developer Toolkit=>Queue Monitor.
The Device Monitor sample application opens.
2. Click File=>Connect.
3. Type the IP address of the Enterprise Server, user name, and password and click OK.
4. Click Actions:
5. Select one or more queues to open.