SMDR Inspector 305
Digits dialed External SMDR
External SMDR records the digits dialed on the outgoing trunk. A maximum of 26 digits is
recorded. This number is reduced to 20 when the Report Meter Pulses option is selected
in CDE. This box does not include the trunk group access code on outgoing calls. The
digits recorded are the actual digits outpulsed on the trunk after digit modification has
been performed. On incoming calls, the digits dialed in on the trunk are recorded. The
digits dialed field contains the digits the telephone system used to route the call. For an
incoming call this could be the extension or the path to which the call is being routed. For
outgoing calls this is the number the caller dialed. When more than 26/20 digits are
dialed, the remaining digits are ignored.
If the MCD option is enabled, each device is listed whenever the call is rerouted, rather
than the last device as in non-MCD loads. To reflect the MCD option, the Digits dialed on
the Trunk box displays dd1 ddd2 ddd3.
Internal SMDR
Internal SMDR records the digits dialed on an internal line. Up to 26 digits are recorded.
completion flag
External SMDR (Outgoing calls)
This reports the completion status of an outgoing call in so far as the telephone system is
able to determine it. When an outgoing call fails toll-deny checking and is dropped, this
box contains a T. When the trunk group is programmed to receive Answer Supervision
and a supervision is received, an A is reported. When the trunk group is programmed for
Toll Reversal and a supervision is received, a T is reported.
External SMDR (Incoming calls)
The telephone system can monitor the outcome of a call and can provide a
comprehensive report on call completion. When the station or hunt group to which a call
is directed is busy, a B is recorded. When an incoming trunk accesses an invalid number
and receives reorder tone, an E is reported. An E is also reported for incomplete calls. A
T is reported if the incoming trunk is answered with Trunk Answer From Any Station
(TAFAS) and if an outgoing trunk call is toll denied, or if the call is Pickup answered.
When an incoming call is forwarded by an attendant to a busy station, a B is shown in the
call completion status box, the number called is shown as the third party, and the
Attendant is shown as the called party.
Internal SMDR
An I indicates that an internal call was completed.
Speed Call or Call forward flags (S or F)
This box contains an S when the number is speed dialed, and an F when an external call
is forwarded through the external call forward feature.
If Internal SMDR is enabled, an F is also recorded when an internal call is forwarded
through the call forward feature. However, for internal calls the Third Party box does not
contain the number of the station that initiated the call forward feature. The Third Party
box is left blank because the Digit dialed box identifies the station that has call forward
Speed call
The Speed call/Forward check boxes search for call records involving a speed dial and/or
conference function. When the Blank check box is selected, the search output contains
records where there is nothing recorded in the Speed or Fwd check boxes.
Table 10-5 SMDR search results information