SMDR Inspector 309
Running call parties searches
You can run a Call party search to find out who called agent 2005 on March 10, 2004.
To run a Call parties search
1. Click the SMDR Inspector criteria tab.
The Options tab opens.
2. Click the Call parties tab.
3. Click Select dates and select March 10, 2003.
4. Under Select media servers, Phone is preselected.
5. Under Call parties, type the Called party, agent ID 2005.
6. Click Start search.
The SMDR Inspector results - SMDR Search results window opens.
Call parties search results
The SMDR Search results tab displays the results of who called agent 2005. The agent’s extension is 1106.
He answers calls that come to queue 280 and dial zeros (which is extension 1290). On line one of the results,
an outside call dialed the agent’s extension. On line two, the agent answered a call from his queue (P280). On
line three, we see that extension 1107 called the agent. On line four, we see that extension 1112 called his
extension. (See Figure 10-12.)
Figure 10-12 SMDR search results tab - Call parties search