550 Chapter 19 Traffic Analysis
The system works as follows:
1. .Net Collector opens a VT100 connection to the SX-2000 and issues transfer commands
2. SX-2000 sends traffic files to the pre-configured FTP server
3. The Summarize process downloads, merges and files traffic data to the Enterprise Server from the
FTP server.
Figure 19-1 SX-2000 architecture without datasets
Setting up the 3300 ICP
You must specify traffic data options on the 3300 ICP Traffic Options Assignment form in order to collect traffic
data and produce reports with the Traffic Analysis application.
The Traffic Options Assignment form is a form-driven method to obtain time-based traffic reports on telephone
system usage. You can generate reports that cover attendant usage, channel utilization, system activity, data
station usage, delay to dial tone, extension-to-extension calls, feature usage, and trunk use.
• You can define up to six different time slots.
• If the start and stop time are blank while the time slot is active, an error message is displayed when
the commit operation is attempted; in this case, the changes will not be committed.
• No two traffic slot stops should be less than 5 minutes apart. This time is required for the system time
to generate the previous report.
• Making changes to the data in this form and recommitting interrupts a traffic report that is running.
Programming the Traffic Options Assignment form
To program the Traffic Options Assignment form
1. Log onto the 3300 ICP telephone system.
2. Browse to the Traffic Options Assignment form.
3. Click Change.
4. Configure the traffic options as described in Table 19-1.