476 Chapter 17 Intelligent Queue
Smart Choice reports
The Smart Choice reports consist of the following types:
• Smart Choice Layer Reports
Smart Choice Layer reports provide statistics on layer use.
• Smart Choice Layer Group by Layer
• Smart Choice Layer Group by Exit Code
• Smart Choice Layer Group by Layer by Exit Code
• Smart Choice Port Report
Smart Choice Port reports provide statistics on the calls routed through ports associated with Smart
Choice messaging.
• Smart Choice Port Group Performance by Port
Smart Choice Layer Group by Layer
The Smart Choice Layer Group by Layer report shows call statistics for each layer associated to the layer
group. (See Table 17-6.)
NOTE: The prairieFyre Maintenance Manager deletes ANI records that are 15 days or older each night at
2:00 A.M. In addition, ANI records are deleted chronologically when the number of records in the database
exceeds 10,000.
Smart Choice Layer Group by Exit Code
The Smart Choice Layer Group by Exit Code report shows calls statistics for each exit code selected inside a
layer. Smart Choice Layer Group by Exit Code report provides the following information: (See Table 17-7.))
Table 17-6: Smart Choice Layer Group by Layer
Report Field Description
Total calls entering layer the total number of calls that reach the layer in the decision tree
Total number of repeats the total number of repeats that occurred on this layer
Total true calls entering calls the number of distinct calls entering the layer
Total calls exiting layer the total number of calls that exit the layer to go to another layer or
answering point (path, extension, or voice mailbox)
Total calls terminating in layer the total number of calls abandoned on the layer
Total duration in layer (hh:mm:ss) the total duration of calls, from the time they enter the layer to the time
they exit the layer
Average duration in layer
the average duration for calls in the layer, from the time they enter the
layer to the time they exit the layer
Table 17-7: Smart Choice Layer Group by Exit
Report Field Description
Total count the total number of calls that leave the layer group by selected code
Total duration (hh:mm:ss) the total duration of calls, from the time they are picked up by the port
to the time they exit the layer
Average duration (hh:mm:ss) the average duration of calls, from the time they are picked up by the
port to the time they exit the layer
Total the total of each of the columns