Remote Commands
OUTPut Commands
The minimum value for the wavelength is
1200nm. The default value is 1310nm. The
maximum value is 1650nm.
Syntax :INPut:WAVelength? [<wsp>
Description The query returns the current wavelength, in
By sending MIN, DEF, or MAX with the query
the minimum, default or maximum value
possible for the wavelength is returned.
Example OUTPUT 728;":INP:WAV 1550nm"
ENTER 728;A$
8.6 OUTPut Commands
Syntax :OUTPut:APMode <wsp> OFF|ON|0|1
Description This command sets the whether you set the
attenuation factor, or the through-power to alter
the attenuation of the filter.
When you are switching the absolute power
mode ON, the attenuation factor (in dB)
becomes the base value for the through-power
(in dBm), at the time at which this command is
processed. That is, if the attenuation factor is
set to 32.000dB, and the absolute power mode
is switched on, then the base value for the
through-power is set to 32.000dBm. Use the