Claims and Repackaging
GPIB Logic Levels
The attenuator GPIB lines use standard TTL logic, as follows:
• True = Low = digital ground or 0Vdc to 0.4Vdc
• False = High = open or 2.5Vdc to 5Vdc
All GPIB lines have LOW assertion states. High states are held at
3.0Vdc by pull-ups within the instrument. When a line functions as
an input, it requires approximately 3.2mA to pull it low through a
closure to digital ground. When a line functions as an output, it can
sink up to 48mA in the low state and approximately 0.6mA in the
high state.
NOTE The GPIB line screens are not isolated from ground.
A.9 Claims and Repackaging
If physical damage is evident or if the instrument does not meet
specification when received, notify the carrier and the nearest
Agilent Technologies Service Office. The Sales/Service Office will
arrange for repair or replacement of the unit without waiting for
settlement of the claim against the carrier.
Return Shipments to Agilent Technologies
If the instrument is to be shipped to an Agilent Technologies/
Service Office, attach a tag showing owner, return address, model
number and full serial number and the type of service required.
The original shipping carton and packing material may be reusable,
but the Agilent Technologies/Service Office will provide
information and recommendation on materials to be used if the
original packing is no longer available or reusable. General
instructions for repacking are as follows: