Agilent Technologies 8156A Water Dispenser User Manual

Table of Contents
3.2 The Automatic Sweep ............................................48
Setting Up an Automatic Sweep ........................................48
Executing the Automatic Sweep ........................................50
3.3 The Manual Sweep .................................................51
Setting Up a Manual Sweep ...............................................51
Executing the Manual Sweep .............................................53
3.4 Example, an Automatic Attenuation Sweep .........54
4 Using your Attenuator as a Variable Back Re-
4.1 Configuring the Hardware ....................................59
4.2 Setting Up the Software .........................................60
Editing the Setup .................................................................60
Executing the Back Reflector Application .........................61
4.3 Example, Setting a Return Loss ............................62
5 Setting Up the System
5.1 Setting the GPIB Address .....................................67
Resetting the GPIB Address ...............................................67
5.2 Selecting the Wavelength Calibration and Its Function
Setting the Function of the Wavelength Calibration ..........68
Selecting the Wavelength Calibration Data .......................69