Error Messages
GPIB Messages
-108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received for a command than were expected.
-109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than the command requires.
-110 Command header error
A command header is the mnemonic part of the command (the part
not containing parameter information. This error indicates that the
parser has found an error in the command header but cannot be
more specific.
-111 Header separator error
A character that is not a valid header separator was encountered.
-112 Program mnemonic too long
The program mnemonic must be 12 characters or shorter.
-113 Undefined header
This header is not defined for use with the instrument.
-114 Header suffix out of range
The header contained an invalid character. This message sometimes
occurs because the parser is trying to interpret a non-header as a
-120 Numeric data error
This error indicates that the parser has found an error in numeric
data (including nondecimal numeric data) but cannot be more