Chapter 7 HP 53131A/132A Specifications
Measurement Arming and Processing (Continued)
Assembly-Level Service Guide 7-15
Measurement Arming and Processing (Continued)
Measurement Statistics
Available Statistics: Mean, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation
Number of Measurements: 2 to 1,000,000. Statistics may be collected on all measurements or on only those which are between the limit
bands. When the Limits function is used in conjunction with Statistics, N (number of measurements) refers to the
number of in-limit measurements. In general, measurement resolution will improve in proportion to , up to the
numerical processing limits of the instrument.
Measurements: Statistics may be collected for all measurements except Peak Volts and Totalize.
Measurement Limits
Limit Checking: The measurement value is checked against user-specified limits at the end of each measurement.
Display Modes: The measurement result may be displayed as either the traditional numeric value or graphically as an asterisk
moving between two vertical bars. These bars define the upper and lower limits, and the asterisk represents the
current measurement result relative to these limits.
Out-of-Limits Indication: The out-of-limits condition can be indicated by any of the following methods:
• The limits annunciator will light on the front panel display.
• The instrument will generate an SRQ if enabled via HP-IB.
• The limits hardware signal provided via the RS-232 connector will go low for the duration of the out-of-limit
condition (see the description of this connector under the General Information section of this specifications
• If the Analog Display mode is enabled, the asterisk appears outside the vertical bars, which define the upper
and lower limits.