iv Assembly-Level Service Guide
Counter Setup 1-10
Procedure 1-11
External Timebase Tests 1-12
Equipment 1-12
1 MHz External Timebase Input (HP 53131A and HP
53181A Only) 1-13
5 MHz External Timebase Input (HP 53131A and HP
53181A Only) 1-14
10 MHz External Timebase Input (HP 53131A and HP
53181A Only) 1-14
10 MHz External Timebase Input for the HP
53132A 1-15
HP 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests 1-16
Test 1: Time Interval (HP 53131A/132A Only) 1-17
Equipment 1-17
Counter Setup 1-17
Procedure 1-18
Test 2: Trigger Level (HP 53131A/132A Only) 1-19
Equipment 1-19
Counter Setup 1-19
Procedure 1-20
Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity
(HP 53131A/132A Only) 1-22
Equipment 1-22
Counter Setup 1-22
100 kHz to 100 MHz Sensitivity for HP 53131A/132A 1-23
100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitivity for HP 53131A/
132A 1-25
200 MHz to 225 MHz Sensitivity for HP 53131A/
132A 1-26
Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy
(HP 53131A/132A Only) 1-27
Equipment 1-27