Sharpdesk User’s Guide 41
Toolbar Options
The Composer Toolbar lets you select commands quickly:
Add Doc… Adds pages from a new document to the current composition.
Save Save the current (modified) file
Send Mail Send the current document as an e-mail attachment in .PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
format. (See Note 1)
Print Print a document or selected pages.
Cut Copies a page from the document to the clipboard and removes it from the
Copy Copy a page from the document and place it in the clipboard.
Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard at the current location.
Delete Delete the currently selected page(s).
Note 1: The default image export resolution may be modified prior to image conversion for the
“Export” or “Send Mail” options. See “Setting Export Options” in the “Viewing Images and
Documents” section in “Chapter 4 – Working With Sharpdesk” for more details.)
Saving Documents
To save the new document, choose the Save command from the File menu. If you have previously
named and saved the document, it will automatically be saved. If this is the first time you are
saving it, a Save As dialog box displays letting you name and save it.
Opening a Composer Document
You can open a Composer document as follows:
1. Choose the Open command from the File menu. The Open dialog box appears.
2. Navigate to the file you want to open and click Open.
The file opens in Composer.
Open Dialog Box