Sharpdesk User’s Guide 49
Using the Straighten Page option, you can straighten an image that is crooked in relation to the
background page. After you draw a reference line on the displayed document, the application
rotates the image to the correct orientation.
You can specify a portion of the image to crop or let the program automatically crop the edges of a
displayed image for you.
Using the Imaging Application
This section guides you through some basic operations with Imaging Application. For additional
information, refer to the on-line Help.
Before You Begin
Before you perform the following exercises, start Sharpdesk Imaging:
1. Click the Start button.
2. Point to Programs, Sharpdesk, and Imaging.
Although some operations can modify the sample image files installed with this program, the
original versions of these files are available on your installation CD.
Finding an Image Document
You can assign properties, such as Author, Keywords, Comments, Title, and Subject, to image
documents in TIFF format. When you want to find documents on local or redirected drives,
specify one or more of these properties as the search criteria.
Setting Properties
Perform the following steps to assign a property to an image document.
1. On the File menu, click Open.
2. Navigate to the folder where you installed Sharpdesk Imaging. (The default location is
C:\Program Files\Sharp\Sharpdesk\Imaging).
3. Open the Samples folder.
4. Select the document HQ.TIF and then click Open.
5. On the File menu, click Properties. A tabbed dialog box appears.
6. Click the Summary tab. The Property fields appear and should be unfilled.