
FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Prior to starting the chiller ob serve the OptiView Con-
trol Center. Make sure the Display reads “SYS TEM
To pre-start the chiller use the fol low ing pro ce dure:
1. OIL HEAT ER - The oil heater must be en er gized
for 12 hours prior to starting the chiller. The unit will
not start if the oil is less than 71°F. If not pos si ble the
com pres sor oil should be drained and new oil must
be charged into the oil sump. (See “Oil Charg ing
Procedure”, page 129)
2. OIL PUMP - To check, press and release the “MAN-
U AL OIL PUMP” key under “Service” on the Con-
trol Center. The oil pump will run for 10 minutes and
shut down. Press and release the “MAN U AL OIL
PUMP” key to stop the op er a tion of the oil pump
for less than 10 minutes of op er a tion.
3. All Control Center setpoints should be pro grammed
before the chiller is started. Prior to start, the clock
must be pro grammed for the prop er day and time.
Any setpoints which are de sired to be changed may
be pro grammed. If not pro grammed the “de fault”
value setpoints are as follows:
If the oil heater is de-energized dur-
ing a shut down pe ri od, it must be
energized for 12 hours prior to start-
ing compressor, or remove all oil
and re charge com pres sor with new
oil. (See “Oil Charging Pro ce dure”,
page 129.)
The oil heater is thermostatically
con trolled and remains energized as
long as the fused dis con nect switch
to the starter or Variable Speed Drive
is en er gized.
Proper operating oil level – the middle of the upper
sight glass.
If the oil is excessively high after start-up, the ex cess
oil may be drained from the oil Þ lter drain valve while
the compressor is running.
If oil level is low, oil should be added to the com-
pres sor. (See “Oil Charging Pro ce dure”, page 129.)
Comply with EPA and Local reg u -
la tions when re mov ing or disposing
of Re frig er a tion System oil!
System Op er at ing Pro ce dures
LCWT = 45°F
% Cur rent Limit = 100% FLA
Pulldown Demand = None
Clock = Sun 12:00A.M.
Daily Schedule = None
Holiday = None
Remote Reset Temp. Range = 20°F
Data Logger = No Operation
1. If the chilled water pump is manually op er at ed,
start the pump. The Control Center will not allow
the chill er to start unless chilled liquid ß ow is es-
tab lished through the unit. (A Þ eld supplied chilled
wa ter ß ow switch is required.) If the chilled liquid
pump is wired to the OptiView Control Center the
pump will au to mat i cal ly start, therefore, this step is
not nec es sary.
2. To start the chiller, press the “COMPRESSOR
START” switch. This switch will au to mat i cal ly
spring return to the “RUN” position. (If the unit
was pre vi ous ly started press the STOP/RE SET
side of the “COMPRESSOR” switch and then press
the “START” side of the switch to start the chiller.)
When the start switch is en er gized the Control Cen ter
is placed in an op er at ing mode and any mal func tion
will be not ed by mes sag es on the OptiView Con trol
Center. (See Fig. 3)