York R123 Water Dispenser User Manual

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
(Flash Memory Card version C.MLM.02.02.xxx
and later)
The desired data collection start/stop triggers are set up
on this screen. The trend data collection can be set to start
or stop based upon the status of up to two selected Trig-
gers. The Triggers can consist of dig i tal events or analog
parameters compared to thresh olds. The Trig gers can
be used individually or in combination. The digital and
analog parameters are selected from the Common Slots
Screen (or Mas ter Slot Numbers List in this book).
The parameter selected as the Primary Trigger is com-
pared to a value selected as the Primary Test, using the
Primary Operator as a comparator. If it is eval u at ed as
true, then the data collection is started or stopped (after
any selected Trigger delay) per the selected Trigger
A Secondary Trigger can be evaluated with the Pri ma ry
Trigger to start/stop data collection. The Pri ma ry to Sec-
ondary Operator is used to deÞ ne the Trigger combina-
tions required to be true to start/stop data col lec tion. The
Secondary Trigger is setup and evaluated the same as
the Primary Trigger.
FIG. 39
Entry Þ elds are as follows:
If Primary Trigger
Is Primary Operator Primary Test
Primary to Secondary Operator
Secondary Trigger
Is Secondary Operator Secondary Test
Then Trigger Action the Data Collection
With a delay of Trigger Delay
After the desired Triggers are set, the START key on
the TREND Screen must be manually pressed before
the triggers will be evaluated. While waiting for the
trig gers to start or stop data collection, a status message
is displayed in the upper right corner of the TREND
Screen describing the pending action.
OptiView Control Center