York R123 Water Dispenser User Manual

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
The YORK OptiView Control Center is a mi cro pro -
ces sor based control system for R-11 or R123 cen trif u gal
chillers. It controls the leaving chilled liq uid tem per a ture
via pre-rotation vane controls and has the abil i ty to limit
motor current via control of the pre-ro ta tion vanes. It is
com pat i ble with YORK Sol id State Start er (optional),
Variable Speed Drive (op tion al) and Electro-Mechanical
starter ap pli ca tions.
The panel comes conÞ gured with a full screen LCD
Graphic Display mounted in the middle of a keypad
in ter face. The graphic display allows the presentation
of several operating parameters at once. In addition,
the operator may view a graphical representation of the
his tor i cal operation of the chiller as well as the present
operation. For the novice user, the locations of various
chiller parameters are clearly and intuitively marked.
Instructions for speciÞ c operations are provided on
many of the screens.
The graphic display also allows information to be rep re -
sent ed in both English (temperatures in °F and pres sures
in PSIA) and Metric (temperatures in °C and pres sures in
kPa) mode. The advantages are most ap par ent, however,
in the ability to display many languages.
The Control Center continually monitors the system op-
eration and records the cause of any shutdowns (Safe ty,
Cycling or Normal). This information is re cord ed in
memory and is preserved even through a pow er fail ure
condition. The user may recall it for view ing at any
time. During operation, the user is con tin u al ly advised
of the operating conditions by various sta tus and warn ing
messages. In addition, it may be con Þ g ured to notify the
user of certain con di tions via alarms. A complete listing
of shutdown, status and warning messages is at tached in
the Display Messages section of this book.
There are certain screens, displayed values, pro gram -
ma ble Setpoints and manual control shown in this book
that are for Service Technician use only. They are only
displayed when logged in at SERVICE access level
or higher. The Setpoints and pa ram e ters displayed on
these screens are explained in detail in YORK Service
Man u al 160.55-M1. These parameters affect chiller
op er a tion and should NEVER be modi ed by anyone
oth er than a quali ed Service Technician. They are
shown in this book for reference only.
Advanced Diagnostics and troubleshooting in for ma tion
for Service Technicians are included in YORK Service
Manual 160.55-M1. Also included in the Service man-
u al are detailed descriptions of chiller features, such as
the Refrigerant Level Control (Future), Purge sys tem,
Hot Gas By pass, Remote Setpoints and Smart Freeze
Pro tec tion.
The control center expands the capabilities of re mote
control and communications. By providing a com mon
networking protocol through the ISN GPIC YORK
Chill ers not only work well in di vid u al ly, but also as
a team. This new protocol allows in creased remote
con trol of the chiller, as well as 24-hour performance
mon i tor ing via a remote site. In ad di tion, compatibility
is main tained with the present net work of ISN com mu -
ni ca tions. The chiller also main tains the standard digital
remote ca pa bil i ties as well. Both of these remote con trol
capabilities allow for the standard Energy Man age ment
System (EMS) in ter face:
1. Remote Start
2. Remote Stop
3. Remote Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature
Setpoint adjustment (0-20mA or 4-20mA, 0-10VDC
or 2-10VDC) or Pulse Width Modulation
4. Remote Current Limit Setpoint adjustment (0-20mA
or 4-20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC) or Pulse Width
Mod u la tion
5. Remote “Ready to Start” Contacts
6. Safety Shutdown Contacts
7. Cycling Shutdown Contacts
The chiller operating program resides in the Optiview
control center Microboard. The control center could be
equipped with either of the following Microboards:
031-01730-000 – shipped in new production chill-
ers until September 2003. The program resides in
a replaceable Flash Memory Card. The software
version (C.MLM.02.xx.yzz) is printed on label
adhered to card. Program can be upgraded by
replacing the card.
031-02430-000 – shipped in new production chill-
ers after September 2003. The program resides in
non-removable onboard memory. The software