FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
This screen displays a cutaway view of the Hot Gas By pass
Valve. All setpoints relating to Hot Gas Bypass con trol are
maintained on this screen. Also, related Hot Gas Bypass
control parameters are displayed for ref er ence. Through
animation, the relative valve position is dis played. In ad-
dition, the valve can be manually op er at ed.
Requires access level of SERVICE.
Ser vice Tech ni cians refer to YORK
Service Man u al 160.55-M1 for op-
er a tion in struc tions and explanation
of all pro gram ma ble setpoints and
dis played val ues.
Valve Position
Displays the position of the Hot Gas valve over the
range of 0% (closed) to 100% (fully open). The valve
position is animated. When the actual position is 0% to
19%, the valve is shown fully closed. When actual posi-
tion is 20% to 39% the valve is shown 25% open. When
ac tu al po si tion is 40% to 59%, the valve is shown 50%
open. When actual position is 60% to 79%, the valve is
shown as 75% open. Positions greater than 79% shown
as full open.
Pre-rotation Vanes Position
Displays the position of the Pre-Rotation Vanes over the
range of 0% (closed) to 100% (fully open). Dis played
at XXX until calibration procedure is per formed by
service technician.
Delta P/P
A parameter that represents system differential or
“Head”. It is calculated as [(condenser pressure – evap o -
ra tor pressure) / evaporator pressure].
Temperature Differential
The difference between the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem-
per a ture and the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture
Setpoint. It is cal cu lat ed by sub tract ing the Leav ing
Chilled Liq uid tem per a ture from the Leav ing Chilled
Liquid Tem per a ture Setpoint.
Total Surge Count
This is the total number of surge events that have been
detected over the lifetime of the chiller. These are the
surge events detected by the Surge Protection feature.
The surge events detected by the compressor Variable
Speed Drive Adaptive Capacity Control Board are not
included in this total.
Surge Detected (LED)
Illuminated for 5 seconds each time a surge is detected
by the Surge Protection feature. It does not illuminate
FIG. 11
OptiView Control Center
OptiView Control Center