York R123 Water Dispenser User Manual

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
(Screen shown from Flash Memory Card version
C.MLM.02.02.xxx and later. Screen layout from
earlier versions slightly different)
This screen allows deÞ nition of the nec es sary com-
mu ni ca tions parameters. Refer to PRINTER Sec tion
of this book for details of the Printer connections and
set up. Presently, there are no COM 2 com mu ni ca tions
fea tures avail able.
Chiller ID
Ac cess Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
DeÞ ne the numeric chiller ID when used with in an ISN
network of chillers. This ID number is also print ed at
the top of reports obtained with a local printer.
Printer Setup and COM 2 Setup
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Pressing either key places a green selection boxa around
the Þ rst changeable parameter. Use the and keys
to place the selection box around the desired parameter
to be changed. With the selection box around the de sired
parameter, press the ENTER () key. A dialog box is
displayed permitting data entry.
Printer Baud Rate
DeÞ ne the baud rate at which the panel shall com mu -
ni cate to the printer.
Printer Data Bit(s)
DeÞ ne the number of data bits with which the pan el shall
communicate to the printer.
Printer Parity Bit(s)
DeÞ ne the number of parity bits with which the pan el
shall communicate to the printer.
Printer Stop Bit(s)
DeÞ ne the number of stop bits with which the pan el shall
communicate to the printer.
COM 2 Baud Rate
DeÞ ne the baud rate at which the panel shall com mu -
ni cate through the modem port.
COM 2 Data Bit(s)
DeÞ ne the number of data bits at which the panel shall
com mu ni cate through the modem port.
COM 2 Parity Bit(s)
DeÞ ne the number of parity bits at which the panel shall
com mu ni cate through the modem port.
FIG. 29
OptiView Control Center