FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Maintenance for the compressor assembly consists of
check ing the operation of the oil return system and chang-
ing the dehydrator, checking and changing the oil, check-
ing and changing the oil Þ lters, checking the op er a tion of
the oil heater, checking the operation of the oil pump and
observing the operation of the com pres sor.
Internal wearing of compressor parts could be a se ri ous
problem caused by improper lubrication, brought about
by restricted oil lines, passages or dirty oil Þ l ters. If the
unit is shutting down on (HOT) High Oil Tem per a ture
or Low Oil Pressure (OP), change the oil Þ lter el e ment.
Examine the oil Þ lter element for the pres ence of alu-
mi num particles. Aluminum gas seal rings can contact
the impeller and account for some alu mi num particles
to ac cu mu late in the oil Þ lter, es pe cial ly dur ing the
initial start up and Þ rst several months of op er a tion.
How ev er, if aluminum particles continue to accumu-
late and the same conditions con tin ue to stop the unit
operation after a new Þ lter el e ment is in stalled, notify
the nearest YORK of Þ ce to re quest the pres ence of a
YORK Ser vice Tech ni cian.
For information covering the OptiView Control Center
operation, refer to “Section 2”. The operating points
of the pressure and tem per a ture cut outs are shown in
the Wiring Diagrams. These diagrams also contain a
start ing and stop ping se quence and timing sequence
di a gram.
Systems's Service offi ce for evaluation.
After the 500 hour replacement, the oil
fi lter should be replaced semi-annually, or
when the operating oil pressure drops 30%
from the oil pressure measured at the time
of the previous replacement.
1. Check motor mounting screws frequently to insure
tight ness.
2. Meg motor windings annually to check for de te -
ri o ra tion of windings.
The chiller should be pressure tested annually. Any leaks
found must be repaired im me di ate ly. If frequent purg ing
has occurred, the unit must be pres sure tested as soon
as pos si ble to prevent air and mois ture from en ter ing
the until. Air and moisture are the worst enemies of
the R-123 system and ex pe ri ence has shown that units
which are maintained tight, are systems that will pro vide
trouble free efÞ cient op er a tion.
It is the responsibility of the owner to provide the nec-
es sary daily, monthly and yearly maintenance re quire -
ments of the sys tem. IM POR TANT: If a unit fail ure
oc curs due to im prop er main te nance dur ing the war ran ty
pe ri od; YORK will not be liable for costs in curred to
re turn the system to sat is fac to ry op er a tion.
In any op er at ing system it is most important to provide
a planned maintenance and in spec tion of its func tion ing
parts to keep it operating at its peak efÞ ciency. There fore,
the following maintenance should be per formed when
pre scribed.
Oil Filter
Oil Filter: On all new chiller start-ups, the
oil fi lter must be changed after the fi rst 200
hours of operation and again at 500 hours
of operation to insure proper lubrication
quality for the compressor. These fi lters
should be inspected for excessive debris,
and if found containing excessive debris,
report this to the local YORK Engineered
Preventive Maintenance