York R123 Water Dispenser User Manual

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Pulldown Demand Limit
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to specify the current limit val ue (as a
per cent age of FLA) to which the chill er will be limited
dur ing the speciÞ ed pulldown time. This value will
over ride the Motor Cur rent Limit value dur ing this time
pe ri od. This function is used to provide energy sav ings
fol low ing chiller start.
Pulldown Demand Time
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to set a period of time for which the
pulldown demand limit will be in effect after the chill er
Full Load Amps
Access Level Required: SERVICE
DeÞ nes the maximum amps at which the motor can oper-
ate. This value is viewable when logged in at Op er a tor
or View access level. Service technicians refer to YORK
Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Voltage Range
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows the user to select speciÞ c line voltage range for
voltage checking. When not disabled, this line voltage
range is used to determine a low line and high line volt-
age threshold for initiating a shutdown. Service Tech ni -
cians refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Starting Current
Access Level Required: SERVICE
DeÞ nes the maximum allowed motor starting amps. The
Solid State Starter will limit the motor starting current
to this value. Service technicians refer to YORK Ser vice
manual 160.55-M1.
Open SCR (Enabled/Disabled)
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows the user to enable or disable the Solid State
Start er Open SCR safety detection. This must never
be dis abled unless under advisement of the YORK
Fac to ry. Service Technicians refer to YORK Service
Man u al 160.55-M1.
Shorted SCR (Enabled/Disabled)
(Flash Memory Card version C.MLM.02.01 or later)
Access Level required: SERVICE
Allows the user to enable or disable the Solid State
Start er Shorted SCR safety detection. This must never
be dis abled unless under advisement of the York Fac-
to ry. Service Technicians refer to YORK Service Man u al
kWH Reset
Access Level Required: SER VICE
Allows the user to reset the cumulative Kilowatt Hours.
Service technicians refer to YORK Service Manual
Access Level Required: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the HOME Screen.