FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Shutdown (Enabled/Disabled)
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to select whether the chiller will shut-
down or continue to run when an Excess Surge sit u a tion
has been detected.
If this setpoint is Enabled and the EXTENDED RUN
setpoint is Disabled, a safety shutdown is per formed
when the SURGE WINDOW COUNT exceeds the
COUNT LIMIT setpoint.
If this setpoint is Enabled and the EXTENDED RUN
setpoint is Enabled, a safety shutdown is per formed if
LIMIT setpoint at the completion of the 10 minute Ex-
tend ed Run period.
“Surge Protection – Excess Surge” is displayed with
either shutdown.
If this setpoint is Disabled, refer to operation under
“Count Limit” below.
With Software version (and later) or (and later):
• If equipped with a compressor Variable Speed
Drive (VSD), the VSD output frequency must
be at maximum before the SHUTDOWN feature
is implemented or surge warning messages are
• If equipped with a VSD and Hot Gas Bypass
(Enabled), the VSD output frequency must be
at maximum AND the Hot Gas Valve must be
at 100% before the SHUTDOWN feature is
implemented or surge warning messages are
Extended Run (Enabled/Disabled)
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to select the surge correction/avoid ance
EXTENDED RUN mode. This will be im ple ment ed
when an Excess surge situation is detected as follows:
Anytime the SURGE WINDOW COUNT exceeds the
COUNT LIMIT, the Pre-rotation vanes are driven closed
for the next 10 minutes. While this load inhibit is in ef-
fect, “Warn ing – Surge Protection – Excess Surge Limit”
is dis played. When 10 minutes have elapsed, the warn-
ing message and load inhibit are automatically cleared,
provided the SURGE WINDOW COUNT is less than
or equal to the COUNT LIM IT. If the SHUT DOWN
setpoint is Enabled, and the SURGE WIN DOW COUNT
exceeds the COUNT LIMIT at the com ple tion of this
period, a safety shutdown is performed and “Surge
Pro tec tion – Excess Surge” is displayed.
If the Hot Gas Bypassed control is Enabled, the Hot Gas
By pass Valve position must be 100% before the Ex tend ed
Run mode is implemented. If the chill er is equipped with a
compressor motor Variable Speed Drive, output fre quen cy
must be at full speed (50 Hz/60 Hz) before the Ex tend ed
Run mode is implemented. If the chiller is equipped with
both Hot Gas Bypass and com pres sor motor Variable Speed
Drive, both of the con di tions must be met before Extended
Run is im ple ment ed.
Count Window
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to deÞ ne the period of time (1 to 5
minutes; default 5 ; default 3 with Software version {and later} or {and
later}) in which the number of surge events (SURGE
WIN DOW COUNT) are compared to the max i mum al-
lowed (COUNT LIMIT), for the purpose of de tect ing
an excess surge situation.
Count Limit
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to deÞ ne the maximum number of surge
events (4 to 20; default 4; default 15 with Software ver-
sion {and later} or
later}) that can occur within a de Þ ned period of time
before an Excess Surge situation is de tect ed. If the SURGE
WINDOW COUNT exceeds the COUNT LIM IT, an Ex-
cess Surge situation has oc curred.
When an Excess Surge situation is detected, the action
de pends upon the following:
setpoints are Disabled, the chiller will continue to
run, dis play ing the message “Warning – Excess
Surge detected”. See Hot Gas Bypass and Variable
Speed Drive exceptions above.
• If the SHUTDOWN setpoint is Enabled and the
EX TEND ED RUN setpoint is Disabled, the chiller
will per form a safety shutdown and display “Surge
Protection – Excess Surge”. See Hot Gas Bypass
and Variable Speed Drive exceptions above.
• If the SHUTDOWN setpoint is Disabled and the
EX TEND ED RUN setpoint is Enabled, the Pre-ro-
tation Vanes are driven closed for 10 minutes and
“Warning – Surge Pro tec tion – Excess Surge Lim it”
is displayed. When the 10 minutes have elapsed,